Launch of Lucy’s Place CIC Community Wellbeing Meets…

I was delighted to to Launch Lucy’s Place CIC’s Community wellbeing meets for 2024. This project is very close to my heart is something that brings together everything that develops resilience, health and wellbeing. We know that spending time in nature has a really positive impact on health and wellbeing and doctors in Scotland have been able to make prescriptions for outdoor activity for some time. Another aspects that develops resilience is a sense of connection to others and finding a place in a community with shared values, kindness and support. All the activities are designed to offer a chance to make us feel more positive about ourselves. It offers a network of support, a sense of achievement, relaxation, time in the outdoors and fun!

We have received funding from crystal Rigg Community Fund so these activities are free to anyone hoping to address mental health concerns and anyone that wants to improve their enhance their wellbeing. So please email me for a full application and schedule at


Coastal Geology Wellbeing Walk


Trauma: “Is not just the event itself…it is also how the community respond to it…”