Come sail with us…?

On 12th May 2024 we are offering the opportunity to join a community wellbeing sailing experience at Whiteadder reservoir. Theories of behavioural activation to relieve symptoms of depression suggest that people need a combination of activities in their week that give opportunities to gain a sense of enjoyment, closeness and mastery. Sailing provides the opportunity to experience all these benefits with the additional benefits of being in nature. It is offered by a lovely team at Whiteadder Watersports that will support and guide you through the whole session. These sessions are aimed to compliment therapy if or when you feel ready. Places are free, reserved and prioritised for certain groups (GMCC and those engaged or awaiting psychological therapy). Wider communities can apply (donations invited at

if you are interested in joining us please complete an application. Paper applications are available at Carfrae Farm shop and Beech and Birch. Electronic applications are available at or on request from Places are limited so please get your application in as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. You will be contacted shortly before the event to confirm your place, discuss any health concerns you’ve highlighted and explain kit for the day. This is to ensure everyone gets the most from the activity.

Hope to see you there


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Community Wellbeing Wild Swim