Value based lifestyle

In a modern world its so easy to become focussed on our checklist of goals and achievement… to do well at school, to win a race, get a good job, a promotion, buy a house, marry, be a parent… whatever it may be! To gain contentment its in fact less about our goals as some sort of checklist and more about living a life in line with our values. Goals and values are very different concepts. For example your goal may be to complete a marathon this year, but your overarching value may be to become a competent runner. You may have a goal of achieving a target weight or a certain dress size, but the overarching value is to be healthy. In other words its shouldn’t be about just clocking into work each morning, rather it should be about the worker, colleague, employee or boss that you want to be. January is often the time for setting goals for the future, but before we do perhaps we should reflect on whether our actions and goals align with our values. Goals will come and go, but values are like the points on the compass guiding us towards contentment.

Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is an action-oriented approach to psychotherapy that stems from traditional cognitive Behavioural therapy. One aspect of Acceptance and Commitment therapy explores these questions around values we hold in our life. You can find questionnaires to help you think about your values at I also integrate ACT principles into psychological therapy So if you like this perspective and would like to explore these topics further in individual therapy please drop me an email


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