Strategies for resilience…

Mental health problems are very common and affect one in four people. This includes Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, Stress and a range of other difficulties. Mental Health problems are not discriminatory and anyone can be affected. We all recognise that if we wish to stay physically fit we need to exercise regularly and eat healthily. To maintain mental wellbeing we also need to spend some time looking after ourselves. I have spent many years working with military and ex-military personnel and recognise that in order for them to maintain their health and wellbeing in some very challenging situations, they utilise a range of psychological strategies. For those that suffer from mental health problems post military they try to continue to use these techniques.

I wanted to share with you some wonderful CBT resources developed by the Prince’s Trust in connection with the MoD. Head Fit offers a range of video resources with coping skills and self help materials such as a video of a Para using breathing technique before a skydive. What I love about these resources is how beautifully it illustrates that we all need to use techniques to keep us calm and cope in challenging situations. It is a symbol of strength and resilience to practice good mental health care.

Please have a look through these CBT coping resources and I hope it helps with any worry and anxieties your facing in your life. For some people coping strategies help and these are enough to tackle the problems they face. Unfortunately sometimes coping techniques are not enough to take away the root cause fuelling their pain. At Lucy’s Place CIC we offer CBT and a range of other therapeutic models on an individual therapeutic basis. Individual ther not only builds on coping skills, but also explores the past experiences that influence your core beliefs. If you find you require some additional help to address the cause of your difficulties please drop me an email for a free thirty minute chat to talk through therapeutic options at Lucy’s Place CIC.


Value based lifestyle


Self Compassion