Stop worrying…

Worry affects us all and it can be useful and protective in many circumstances. It prompts us to act and motivates us to find solutions to problems. Unfortunately sometimes worries can start to affect the quality of our lives. Many people I have worked with talk about worries that take over all their thoughts with little time to escape and find calm or enjoy life. So if you want to reduce worry in your life here are some tips that I would suggest:

  1. Try to define what exactly it is that you are worried about and explain this worry to someone you trust.

  2. Try and problem solve and find solutions to the problem and if there is something practical you can do to shift the difficulty give it a try.

  3. Sometimes people are worried about difficulties that are out with their control and this is the point at which we need to try and stop the worry:

    1. Distraction is a good short term solution and doing something you enjoy

    2. Try writing your worries down and saving them for dedicated ‘worry time’ each day.

    3. try relaxation or mindfulness on the ’Lucy’s place’ blog page


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