The Natural Health Service…

Reading has a lot of benefits for health and wellbeing. The right book can offer new prespectives on the world, new insights into yourself and others. It also offers a chance of escapism and respite from the stresses of everyday life. This is why I sometimes like to recommend good reads. The natuural Health Service by Isabel Hardman is a book I have read and re-read. The author Isabel Hardman has like many of us at Lucy’s place experienced low mood and anxiety, and she has found contentment and peace in nature. She talks of her own experiences with the restorative powers of nature and interview psychologists and researchers in the field about emerging evidence for the power of nature to heal. It is partly this thinking that motivated me to develop not only a 1:1 therapy service, but also a community that had the space and opportunity to meet in the outdoors. Coming soon to Lucy’s place are regular outdoor meets throughout the year. The rationale utilise some of the core theory of behavioural approaches. Behavioural approached recognise the need for us to have activities in our week that are fulfilling in different ways. When a therapist looks at activity scheduling with someone they are hoping to find activities that offer firstly closeness and companionship, secondly a sense of mastery and attainment and finally a sense of pleasure and enjoyment. Our outdoor meets are structured around these themes:

Closeness and companionship walks : These are walks that are accessible to all members despite fitness or agility. It offers a chance to meet others in the community and make new friends. Please just let us know any specific needs prior to the meet.

MIndfulness walks: I find these walks really enjoyable and calming. They offer an opportunity to immerse yourself in nature and simply what is happening in the here and now. Forgot your worries about things of the past and stresses in your life for a couple of hours by simply being mindful of the beauty of nature.

Mastery adventures: We have a range of micro adventures that are aimed at being a bit more challenging and providing a sense of mastery. These include munro bagging, orienteering and wild swimming Join us for a day and see what new skills you can master.


Self Compassion


Stop worrying…