Managing Relationships

Throughout our lives we interact and form relationships with friends, romantic partners, family, work colleagues and others in our communities. A positive relationship with others can be supportive and nurturing and make us more resilient in difficult times. Unfortunately often managing relationships with others is challenging and if this is what you are experiencing then you are not alone. Over 40% of marriages end in divorce and 45% of scots report feeling lonely. At times of stress and poor mental health managing relationship can be even more difficult. Sometimes our circumstances can make it difficult to trust others and we can feel hypersensitive to perceived criticism.

At Lucy’s place we recognise how important positive relationships are to living fulfilling lives. This is why we are developing not only individual psychological therapy, but are soon to be going further still with a community of support that incorporates community meets for wild swimming and walking groups. Members of Lucy’s are all looking to support one another and enjoy time together in a place they feel safe.

For those that require additional or personalised support to improve key relationships we offer two relational therapies. These are Cognitive Analytic Therapy and Interpersonal Therapy. Please contact Lucy’s Place if you wish to find out more.


Stop worrying…


Lucy’s Place: Trauma informed Care